The Actor


Hope - Almost Maine by John Cariani

Silvia - The Two Gentleman of Verona


Mary - The Red Coat by John Patrick Shanley

Eurydike - Antigone by Sophocles, translated by Anne Carson

Anya Answers!

What is your favorite role that you’ve played?

Irina in Moscow Moscow Moscow Moscow Moscow Moscow by Halley Feiffer was an absolute blast to play through and through. She’s extremely childish, which is always fun to act like on stage. I laid on the floor at three separate times during the show because I was really channeling that spoiled toddler energy. She was also a joy to explore emotionally because she tries to be very positive and happy all the time, but she has this really deep suffering and depression that she is trying to ignore that slowly catches up with her throughout the show. Her emotional range is very extreme. I love playing extremes.

What is a role you would love to play again?

In my sophomore year of college, I played Everybody in Everybody by Branden Jacobs Jenkins. I absolutely love the show, it’s witty and interesting throughout and Everybody is an absolutely WILD character. However, the year was 2020 so of course the show was on Zoom. Everybody was such a great and fun character but I was spending most of the show so stressed out about my lighting and props and laptop and microphone and wifi that I couldn’t just get into the show and character and focus.

What is your favorite thing about acting?

Bringing joy to others! I’ve always loved making people laugh. I love comedies and I love finding the comedy in dramas. And I know that I feel so happy when I’m watching a really good show, and I always want to give that feeling to someone else.

Also, acting itself is just so fun! I know a lot of people are really afraid of any kind of public speaking or performance, but to me it feels just like I’m playing pretend.